Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Pro-Life Victory!

It was a wonderful day yesterday in the pro-life world. This is a HUGE victory!!! Many thanks to Mike for posting this, as I stole it from him.

Check this is out:
Indiana Right to Life is applauding Governor Mitch Daniels for signing into law today the most sweeping pro-life initiatives in Indiana since the Supreme Court legalized abortion on demand with the Roe vs. Wade and Doe vs. Bolton decisions in 1973.

HEA 1210 contains provisions to end all state-directed funding for businesses that do abortions, to establish Indiana's compelling interest in protecting pain-capable unborn children beginning at 20 weeks, to opt-out of abortion coverage in any state health exchanges required under the new federal health law, to require that women considering abortion be given full, factual information in writing, and to require doctors who do abortions, or their designees, to maintain local hospital admitting privileges in order to streamline access to emergency care for women injured by abortion.

"This legislation places Indiana on the vanguard of efforts to protect the unborn, to deny public funds to businesses that profit from abortion, and to ensure that women considering abortion have full and factual information about such issues as fetal development and alternatives to abortion," states Indiana Right to Life President and CEO Mike Fichter. "Governor Daniels has now established Indiana as one of the leading pro-life states in the nation."

Fichter also called Planned Parenthood of Indiana's move to secure an injunction against the defunding provision a delay tactic to keep public funding flowing as long as possible. "We are confident that Indiana will successfully defend this new law and that abortion businesses will be denied access to all state-directed public funds."


Suzanne said...

Yes, it is! That dinner we had last night would have been even more of a celebration, had I known about this before I left to go...but I didn't..still wonderful and bless Gov. Mitch.

Estefanía said...