Monday, April 18, 2011

How I Spent My Palm Sunday.....

Yesterday was Palm Sunday, the kick-off to Holy Week, and sadly I had to spend it at home. I woke up yesterday morning with a full-blown case of strep throat. I was so frustrated over being sick this time as I knew I was going to miss Palm Sunday Mass (which happens to be a favorite of mine growing up) and I also had planned a fun little dinner for some friends yesterday evening, but I had to cancel that as well.

I must say I have only ever missed Mass on Sunday morning once before, but that was when we were on vacation and I can't remember exactly why we didn't make it that Sunday... maybe the church was way too far. I just can't recall. This time was different as I had just went to confession the day before and so I was just pumped for starting this Holy Week on a great start. It was hard to watch the rest of my family leave while I was laying on the couch and was in so much pain I could only mouth what I wanted to say. So as everyone in my family each went on their way to Mass I stayed home and prayed the Rosary, read the Mass readings, and just prayed more than I usually do when I end up sick. I was still sad that I missed out on Mass I decided I would offer up my really sore throat for the souls in purgatory. I know God allowed me to become sick for some reason yesterday, and I am sure I will understand why eventually even if I don't really at the moment.

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