Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I'm back up and running :)

I finally have a computer at home again... It feels even more like a luxury to have one back after not having one for nearly two weeks now...

Life for me has been very crazy the past few weeks...As I mentioned in my last post I went to Tennessee for my cousin's wedding. It was a very nice trip that was spent with some family who I haven't seen for about five years or so and some for three years.... It was a good catch up time. My cousin's wedding was a very simple one. There was such a sense of teamwork and love in my cousin's little church community. The reception was held in their church, and the whole church group worked together for a pitch-in for the food. I have never seen so much food in my entire life, and it was all just so good! I have to say it was the good southern hospitality going on... After the reception we all worked together to clean up and put the church area back in order... there were kids of all ages running around and helping out. There was a groups that were singing worship songs as they were cleaning up. It was a nice place to be...

The drive down there was not a nice one. We left early in the morning while it was raining, and it rained the whole drive there which made it seem as if we were on the road forever.... the drive back was much better...

Sadly, I was not able to get to Mass on Sunday because I did not have a way to get to one.... when we got home it was too late to go to the 5:30 Mass, and they canceled the 9:00 p.m. Mass due to the superbowl... go figure. I felt totally off that whole day without Mass on Sunday. I was very sad to miss it... and my whole family knew how I felt because I kept mentioning how disappointed I was the entire day.

So we got home around six fifteen which was just in time for the superbowl kick-off... it was a hard game for me to watch this time, not only because my team lost, but as I mentioned before, I was just feeling off, and that feeling would not go away... Hopefully if the roads get cleared up here I will make it to Mass tonight.. I will see about that.... Turns out we have another snow day today... a five day week-end. I do not know when the next time that will happen for me, so I am relishing it today.

So that was a long update on my week-end. Now that my computer is back I will be able to blog a lot more again. I have been missing it. :)

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