Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Men, Think Before You Speak.... Seriously

Last night I was talking to a friend on the phone when he asked me what I think of when someone calls me "hot." After that it sparked into a conversation about how terms some men seem to think are supposed to make a girl feel special (sexy, hot etc.) do not actually make a girl feel special at all...

So when I hear a man say I am "hot" I do not nearly enjoy it as much as when they call me beautiful... or gorgeous. I personally feel the two terms, sexy and hot, are demeaning in a way to women. Usually when I hear those words they are coming from guys who I walk past... who do not know anything about me other then what I look like, which in turn makes me think that the only thing they are thinking about is my body when they say those things...

I happened to look up what the terms for each of these words meant and found them very interesting....

sexy - 1 : sexually suggestive or stimulating : erotic

hot - b (1) : sexually excited or receptive

adorable -
1 : worthy of being adored
2 : extremely charming

cute -
2 : attractive or pretty especially in a childish, youthful, or delicate way

gorgeous - splendidly or showily brilliant or magnificent

beautiful - 1. An adjective used to describe something pleasing to the eye.
2. An adjective used to describe someone that appears physically attractive, but when this opinion comes from a non-lustful state of mind.
3. An adjective used to describe someone that appears attractive because of their emotions, tendencies, personality, or other non-physical traits.

I think that terms beautiful, gorgeous, cute, adorable... all those words I find more flattering than "Damn she's HOT!" So to all those guys out there who think they are complimenting a girl when they say that....well you might want to rethink that before you say it...

I want to leave this particular blog with this last quote here.... I think it works with my topic....

Your smile makes you pretty
Your body makes you sexy
Only your mind makes you beautiful

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