Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Finding Freedom in Imperfection

I have been thinking a lot about some of the way I am. I started really contemplating this when I was in my small group. I do not even remember the question that sparked the way I have realized I need to make somewhat of a change.

Perfection... sometimes I think in a way I work towards trying to be the "perfect" friend, sister, person to work with, daughter. I realize that I never really thought about trying to be the "perfect" person, but I think that in a way I do do that. I try to be the person that always has something nice being said about them. I try to be the listening ear for friends and family. I try to always have a smile on my face because I somehow feel as though people have really started to expect that from me. I try not to complain too often about things even though there are many times I just want to tell people to give me a break... I am not a psychiatrist. I can't be the one to save everyone's little corner of the world. That is what God and Jesus are for, right? That sounded a little harsh after reading that, but the truth is I have my own personal issues I have been trying to get through, and sometimes I do not want to deal with other people's problems.

I realized in my small group that there are very few people I feel comfortable and trust enough to vent to and know that they will still love me afterwords. I think my problem is that I need to let more people in and not be afraid to always keep my guard up and keep a happy face on when I am not totally feeling all that happy. I am not saying that keeping my guard up is a bad thing... letting people in has always been an issue for me. For as long as I can remember it seems that as though as soon as I start to really feel comfortable with a person and really trust them enough to let them all the way in, they leave... they move away, or they find other people to hang-out with and kind of drop me like a hot potato without much of an explanation for it. My family seems to think I wear my heart on my sleeve, and in some ways I do, but in others I keep it hidden under lock and key.

I have to remember that there is no such thing as a "perfect" person. The only person that can totally own that saying is Jesus... well I guess Mary too, so two people that can own that saying. I have come to realize that it is somewhat freeing to realize I don't need to be perfect all the time... so imperfection is totally ok, and there is beauty and character in a hopelessly flawed person. Why should I hold myself to such an impossible standard as perfection if I don't expect that from everyone else in my life. We are all human and we all have different things we are dealing with. As of now I am going to work on letting some more people in when I need someone, because it is not healthy for me to keep it all in.


Suzanne said...

No, it isn't healthy and you saw me let it out a little yesterday. Still, I had to pick up the pieces and go on in the still house by myself, but then I realized, I was not alone..He never quite leaves us alone and yet, it did help to get it out somehow. It didn't fix anything right away...you knew you couldn't and that is okay, I want you to know that. Still, as long as this old world spins, we are to help one another here and there..just don't think that I, for one, expect you to fix it all. Sometimes it may feel that way..mostly I'm doing a little of that venting that you are talking about..still we learn and learn and learn. Want a back rub?!
I owe you one for sure!
Then, I'm gonna tell you a little secret..its a "my momma told me one." Ha! My momma told me, that when I grew older, if I had one or two of my old friends still in my life, I would be blessed! She was right and I don't want to say here is a "pat" answer, but well, it's probably the truth and the key is mostly to love the Lord, be true to yourself, try to enjoy each day the best you can with the golden rule as your guide, also, and enjoy the times and friends at hand. I hope this helps..cause I love you..we all just work on things day by day. :) His peace to your heart.

Teresa said...


Thanks for that comment... Speaking of how you said that if we have one or two old friends always in our lives it reminded me of a saying...

"Some people are here for a lifetime while others are here just to make an appearance."

And then there is another quote I heard

"People are either here for a reason, a season, or a lifetime."

There are a few people I hope to keep close for years to come, but we never know what will happen...


Kevin said...

hey i read this and i think ur on ur wayto letting ppl in... you let me in and as of a few months ago i was a complete stranger!