Sunday, May 30, 2010

I Am Still A Work In Progress


I am tired and I am weary.
I need Your strength to carry me on.
I am so lost and confused.
I need Your love to make me strong.
I am just one small person
with so much to give to the world,
but my own insecurities
are sapping the courage
right out of my veins.

I am learning
that the only person I can rely on
is You.
Sometimes I think that I aced that part of
the test,
but when my friends are gone
and my family is troubled
I feel so weak and frustrated, and defeated.

I know I am not perfect,
but You are still there for me.
You know my limits and my fears.
Please give me the power to break down
my walls of cowardice
so I can be fearless
and do the work you have set out for me.
I am Yours.



Suzanne said...

Did you write this, T? I love it and it is just how I much how I feel. ah...

Teresa said...

Yes, I did write that actually. The other night I couldn't fall asleep and so I turned the lamp on and grabbed the nearest notebook and it just came out like that... and the next day I read it and decided I would post it...