Saturday, January 29, 2011

Memorable Moments Captured On Film From My Trip

I am happy to say that I have recovered my photos. It was by accident, but I have them back... From top to bottom...

The first picture is of my sister, my great friend, and myself. We grew up together and so our friend is like a brother to us. Can you say family photo time???

The second photo is just one of the many shots I took of the crowd at the March. Being so short I could not get a great one, but this one was pretty good.

The third one is of my sister and I and two friends who came along with us on the trip... They are seminariens. I happened to be in the car with them for the trip to d.c. and home. Good times. :)

The forth one is of me and my friend. We stayed at her family's home. I was so happy to be able to see her and spend some time with her. I missed her a great deal. She is planning on becoming a nun as soon as she pays her school debts off. :)

The fifth one basically shows our view from where we were sitting for the Vigil Mass at the Basillica.. They were really great seats. :)

The sixth one is of Newt Gingrich! After I took his picture he waved at me. It was kinda cool.

The seventh one is of my sister and our two good friends while we were saving our seats for our group. They are sisters too. :)

The eighth one is of the view from behind where we were sitting for Mass at the National Basillica...And that is not counting all the people sitting in the adjoining chapels and to the sides of us....10,000 people were there for this Mass.

The ninth one is my personal favorite moment I captured on film. Among the craziness in the basillica, my sister and I passed by this chapel. It was the only one with just one person in it. It was a holy moment... I had to get it on film. It was too touching not too. I have no clue who the man is that was praying....

The bottom one is of the National Basillica. Both my younger sister and I said we felt like we were at home as soon as we walked up to this place. We have been there so many times now that we know where to find everything. It was nice to know that the place that made me feel like home is the Catholic church.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

These are wonderful and I am so very happy that the place you know in your heart to always call home is your Catholic Church and your Catholic Faith! Praise and thanksgiving to God Almighty! :)
Love, Momma