Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!!!!

Today is my parents wedding anniversary. They have been married for thirty-seven years today. They have seen much hardship through their marriage. They started off poor and had to work hard together to get what they have now. They took in two of my older cousins when my mother's sister died and helped raise them as best they could. They had to go through sadness while trying hard for seven long years before finally having my sister.They've had to go through a lot of emotional stuff with my older brother. Not having much money in the first place to help him when he needed a liver transplant, and even after all their hard work raising money for him the still ended up having to bury a very sick son must have been really hard to go through. They had to fight the addiction of alcohol together. While my dad was working on himself to get clean and sober my mom was busy with two daughters of her own.... my sister and I. They ended up having two more kids and worked hard to give us what we have now. They are both very involved with the church and try to help out in any way they can. They helped my older sister raise her three children in a way since my sister and her boys lived at home with us for a large part of their lives. Even now they worry about all of us and just want to make sure we live the best way we can. To me after all they have gone through in those thirty-seven years they have truly taught me what real love is. I hope to find a man that is as good to me as my father is to my mother. I pray to have a relationship as great as my parents.
Most people I randomly run into know me as "Danny and Suzanne's daughter." Sometimes I feel as though I wish people would not think highly of who I am because of who my parents are, because I want to be thought highly of by what I do and the way I do it, not because I am their daughter. As I think about everything they have gone through together I realize that I am very proud to be their daughter and feel very blessed that God wanted them to be my parents.


Suzanne said...

If you don't think people think well of you because of your own merits and how you love Christ, let me tell you, you don't hear what others have to say. I don't want to fill your head too large (:0!) but it is very true. Whenever I mention your name or if someone I know brings you up...nothing but smiles warm their faces and comments like..."Teresa, she is so special!" Things like that...... I don't hear that about others..if you know what I mean..not in the same way. Part of that reason is because you are outgoing and a big part of that reason is because you give much of yourself. Now don't go feeling all fancy dancy! Ha! Ha! Just put a little cap on it and know it in your are loved because of who you are and how you handle and I don't do that for you, sweetheart! :)
Thanks for the anniversary post ... I just wish that people knew that how this happened to dad was because he was practically given the "stuff" at a very very young age. No need to write a blog about it, but he didn't end up going through all that without alot of unfortunate help. He has been a wonderful example all of his life as far as working hard and loving everyone to the best of his ability most everyday. He has been a gift to me to help me grow and I can't say enough about him.
It is probably due to his example that I try hard to not let things get a hold on can be very easy to do, as we all know.
Love you..Teresa..for who you are...Teresa! :) Hugs!

Suzanne said...

Excuse me..from above, I meant to write It is probably due to his example that I try not to let things get a hold of anything like that is easier to do than many people realize...a healthy respect for the stuff is very very important...its powerful.
God bless you.

Teresa said...

Aww... Mom... I love you too!

Mike Keucher said...

Your parents are role models of mine! Have been since I watched them doing so much even back in the day when I was a kid. I remember seeing your mom and dad everywhere as a young kid. My earliest memory of your dad was at a third and high festival A LONG time ago. He was leading bingo and smoking a cigarette in the basement. I liked him from then on! Oh those festivals were some good times.

Don't worry, I think most people like you for you. I've often felt the same way: "You're Diane and Steve's son" or "John's brother". Always irked me--the latter one more so! But I think the both of us have made our own mark at St. Charles, and there have been people we have "touched" or at least worked with who have never met our parents.

Suzanne said...

:) Mike is right! :)

Teresa said...

Third and High Festivals.... oh I miss those. Those were some good times! The family day they have dull in comparison to the third and high festival.

I guess I would be even more annoyed if people said "oh you're so-and-so's sister" more then being "Suzanne and Danny's daughter." Between you and me though, even if I knew you're brother I am 100% sure you would still be my favorite, but you probably already knew that.