Friday, October 30, 2009

More Modest Costumes PLEASE!!!!!

I had a hard time this year when it came to costume shopping.... Every store I went into at least 90% of the girls costumes were all skimpy and trashy and pretty slutty to say the least. I have noticed that there is a mindset in young women today when it comes to costumes. The majority of us seem to think that Halloween is one of those holidays when it is ok to dress as slutty as possible and get away with it... That is just not me. I looked at those costumes, and tried on the less sluttier ones and I still felt too bare. I think it is because I am so used to trying to dress modestly no matter where I go. I wish more young women cared about dressing modestly everyday, including Halloween... I know a number of girls who think and feel the way I do about having a hard time finding a decent costume to wear for Halloween.
In the past few weeks I brainstormed about different costumes because I could not find a decent one to buy. I thought about dressing up as a pig with wings and being the swine flu. I thought about taking an empty box of cereal and a card board knife and sticking the knife into the cereal box and calling myself a cereal killer, but I passed on that idea as well. I thought about being a hippy, a beauty pageant queen, a military person... but none of them was what I really wanted to do... Yesterday, I walked into one last costume store and finally found an incredably modest costume... it was supposed to be a goth vampire, but I didn't like that idea at all, so I turned it into a little red riding hood costume instead.
I just wish costume shops would invest in more modest costumes for those of us who do not feel comfortable letting everything just hang out... That's my little rant for the night, and now I am off to go get ready for a fun night with an old friend... :)

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Did anyone ever tell you what a wonderful young woman you are?
You hold us up where we should be and you hold us accountable, as well. If only more were like know you can be beautiful and feminine and modest and pure and at the same time, be pretty happy about all that. No regrets..that's what I always say. In my day, it was no way possible to find a one piece swimsuit. I had the most modest two pieces as one could find..well, esp. one was and you know what..I had this cute little figure, but I didn't care..I felt just fine next to some of those other things..considering..I also had just enough guys looking. If I had of had a one piece even with a cover up, I'd still have enjoyed the friendships AND respect of many more fellas..I'm now convinced of it. If enough women would stand up and expect respect, eventually men would give it more, but why should they now..only and unless they are men who want to be respectful and men of purity also..yes..they are out just has to look and forget about being picky. ...How did I go from Little Red to this? Who knows..its almost midnight as I write this all down.