Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"And The Winner Is...."

Tonight I have been sitting in front of the television skipping through the channels and trying to see if one of my favorite shows happens to be on, Bones, Reba, or House maybe. I flip through and find myself quickly sucked into none other than the People's Choice Awards. As I sat there watching I could not help but realize how I was so tuned into this show. Even after I got up to mess around on the computer they were about to show the winner of some category (I don't even know which one it was, but I do know that the girl star from the Twilight movies won it. :( ) and I stopped my dad from changing the channel just because I wanted to hear who the winner is.

I will admit that a good portion of my Christmas break was spent catching up on past seasons of the television show Glee and watching the first season of The Big Bang Theory. It is interesting to me how we all can get so involved in television programs. It is crazy how with some shows how the audience can really emotionally connect to the plots that go on during episodes, or connect with a certain character. We can watch the show for an hour and then when that show is over we are left wishing there was more to watch.

Media really does have a hold on society. We can numb ourselves to the sex or drug scenes on our favorite shows thinking how they will only last a minute so why worry about it when really all those few minutes can mess with our minds. Somewhere along the line we get so used to seeing things like sex or drugs on tv to the point where we no longer see how doing those things are wrong anymore. In it's own way it makes the things that really are not best for us seem amazing and magical and a necessity. That is why it is so important to keep close to the faith by going to daily Mass and receiving communion regularly. Media may have a "hold" over society, but as long as we remember what is real truth and ask ourselves if what we are watching really will be helpful for us spiritually than it's "hold" will not be as strong.


Suzanne said...

Amen to that sista! You know what I have noticed? Lately, I've been having fun searching things on my own that are okay to view and not have hardly any guilt over it. There are so many movies and shows that have the easy to find and they also start all looking alike, if that makes sense. Whereas some of the other films and such use really good different stories with really good artistry. Mud is, true beauty sticks with you, like some of the classics.

Of course, I don't have the same frets about some of what youth do. I'm older and I just plain don't care for the nonsense because it has no bearing anyway on my own personal life at all...never much did, thank God! However, it is difficult to make that effort if you don't think things out like you have here. Some people have a more difficult time with "overlooking" things..some think its just a won't bother me...I'm not sinning, but like you pointed can break one down..been there done that when I was younger, so I get it.
Anyway, there is good stuff out there..most classic movies are awesome and there are some decent ones out there now. Its a challenge but one can make it a fun challenge and feel the better for it! Good post!

Estefanía said...

I really appreciate & can relate to this post, Teresa. I especially loved your final paragraph because I wholeheartedly agree. Keep being you & being awesome! :)