Sunday, June 21, 2009

For My Daddy...

The guy in the picture, if you have not guessed yet, is my Daddy. It was taken a few months after my dad's big accident at work. That was a scary time for my family for awhile there....
In honor of Father's Day.... The first quote came from a card which my older sister found... I am somewhat jealous she was the one that found it because it says all the things that both of us feel about him. It was the perfect card...

"Thanks Dad,

For being a family man.
For setting aside those sunny afternoons
to play ball or steady a bike
or make runs for ice-cream cones.
Thanks for trading in
some dreams you must have had
for the "family" car
and the house full of kid's stuff.
Thanks for listening so patiently
to radio stations
you'd never choose,
showing up to cheer on a kid
even after a long day at work.
Thanks for doing
all those important little things
that said you cared.
You may think what you did went unnoticed,
but it was those very things
that have always made me feel
so incredibly loved and grateful
to be your daughter."

"Any man can be a father. It takes someone special to be a dad."
~Philip Whitmore Snr.~

"A father is someone that
holds your hand at the fair
makes sure you do what your mother says
holds back your hair when you are sick
brushes that hair when it is tangled because mother is too busy
lets you eat ice cream for breakfast
but only when mother is away
he walks you down the aisle
and tells you everything's gonna be ok"

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

:) I am happy for you that you have the kind of daddy that every girl or boy would want. You all have truly been blessed. Thank God, always.
Love, Mom