Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"Kids Say the Darndest Things" #4

More funny stories from my job. I love these kids.

Josh: Hey Molly, come play dinosaurs with me.

Molly (as she is running over to Josh): Yeah, but I'm the meat eater!!!!!

Grady (Walks over to Molly and puts his arm around her neck): Sorry Josh, but Molly is my girlfriend, and she can't play with you because she's my girlfriend, and I said so....

Yeah, the relationship thing, it starts early.

James: what are those spots on your arm?
Lisa: Those are my freckles James
James: Hey, Miss Lisa has pickles!!!
James: (after walking over to me) Do you have pickles too?

Grady: Hey, Mr. Bob. Where's you're car?
Bob: My wife has the car.
Grady: Why does your wife have your car?

Bob: Well you see, my wife says that the car is her car and the truck is mine.
Grady: (after a little bit). Mr. Bob, I think that maybe...maybe, you should give her some flowers.
Bob: You know what? That is something I probably should do buddy.

Grady: Miss Emily, you sound like an angel. (he yells across the room) Miss Teresa, you sound like an angel too!!!!

I think he has learned the art of sweet talking a lady at the young age of 3 years old. That's what happens when you're the youngest in the family....

Grady: Miss Emily, I have to tell you what my cracker did!
Emily: What did your cracker do?
Grady: Well when I was putting peanut butter on it, my cracker stuck to my knife!
Emily: That's pretty funny, Grady.
Grady: No, not funny, Miss Emily, it was AWESOME!!!

Chelsie: Miss Ellie, my little brother drinks whole milk. That's a different kind of milk then mommy and I drink though....
Miss Ellie: Well, what kind of milk do you drink?
Chelsie: Skin milk. I don't know why mommy and I drink it and my brother drink something else...but I drink skin milk.

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