Saturday, June 26, 2010

Some Dating Advice From Yours Truely

The other night I was hanging out with a group of friends which happened to be made up of mostly males. They each had great fun asking me and the few girls who were with us about dating advice. It was kind of fun answering their questions because of the look on their faces. It was like they were holding onto every piece of info we were giving them... They did not even notice the few times we were being completely sarcastic about a question they would ask. It was hilarious... So after this little encounter I thought I would have a fun and random post about some do's and don'ts of dating... Most of this is pretty easy to get, but apparently for some not as easy as others.

For cheap first dates a guy should NEVER take a girl to the Mall. Never! It will not go over well... the only time it is ok to take a girl to the Mall as a date is when you are in Middle School pretty much. Other than that not good.

Also the guy really should always pay for the first few dates... and it is even more impressive if they keep paying for all the dates... It is understandable to have the girl and guy share the costs, but not when they are just starting out. Not so cool.

Always be courteous and show good manners. Hold doors open. Help her put on her coat if it is cold outside, walk her to the door... these things are simple enough and really do impress the ladies.

Be respectful. Look into the girl's eyes when she is talking to you. It lets her know you are interested in HER...

On a first date do not tell everything there is to know about you. Hold a lot of that back. It ruins the mystery if you tell everything and she will lose interest pretty fast. Seriously, no likes to have their life stories told on a first date. It gets old fast.

It is extremely cool to ask your date to go to Mass or Adoration with you as part of a date. A girl who takes her faith seriously will be incredibly impressed with that move and will happily say yes.

Do not talk about how other girls look in front of your date... (Seriously, I thought this one would be an easy one, but apparently not so easy for some of my guy friends to get... They wondered why girls get annoyed with them after they do this one... uh. Hello!?!?!? Duh!)

Girls like random dates... It is usually the more unique dates that girls remember the most. Dinner and movies are good every so often... but after awhile it gets old.

Please do not say "I Love You" unless you really mean it. Playing around with a girl's emotions is so not cool... but when you do mean it say it often enough that she really knows you mean it.

Please have some patience with us. Sometimes us girls cannot make up our minds. As a girl I do have this problem. The truth is not one of us really knows what we really want. We get moody. Go a little crazy. It is just a fact. All of us girls have this problem... It is how it is... so please do not take offense too much with our craziness. :)

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