Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Once A Bookworm Always A Bookworm

I am a bookworm. Reading is one of my favorite past times. There is nothing better on a lazy afternoon than to let myself go into another world and become caught up in a storyline. The one book that I have read more times than I can count is "Little Woman" by Louisa May Alcott. It a book that I fell in love with as a child. My favorite childhood heroine of a story was easily Jo March from that story. I always like to think that fictional character and I have had a lot of things in common. I would like to think if she were a real person and I ever were to meet her we would get along perfectly.

Being a bit of a tomboy I hated all things girly... Dresses, dolls, having good manners, being neat and tidy... Now that I am older I am very different from the little girl I was in a number of ways, but even now I do not mind getting grass stains on pants if I am playing ultimate frisbee and I have a chance at saving it from landing on the ground.

As I grew older I did not read the book nearly as much as I did before. Instead I found a new favorite, "Pride and Prejudice." Even today though, "Little Women" is such a comfort kind of book. I pull it out when I am stuck at home sick. It feels like home. I have the story memorized and it still holds a little magic over me. I am so excited to eventually pass down this book to my own daughters when I have them. Maybe one of them will find it as special as I did. Who knows...

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Teresa, I passed this onto all of you because my mother passed it on to me..almost her all time favorite read and she did have 4 daughters too. :)!