Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Some Of My Favorite Things

Every night before I fall asleep the last things that go through my mind are the moments of my day that made me smile the most. Usually it is some of the most simplest things that happen... The hugs and kisses I receive from my kids at work, the funny things those kids say. A tender moment between two people that I accidentally happen to notice as I am doing my work-out outside. When I receive a letter in the mail from an old friend or an unexpected e-mail from another friend or family member just wanting to catch up on life. Hearing my favorite song on the radio as I am driving around. The message that was given at a homily during weekly Mass. Spending time with friends just hanging-out and goofing off. Hot showers and towels that are still warm from the dryer. Feeling the heat of the summer sun on my face instead of the cold wind chill of the winter. Watching a gorgeous sunset as I am sitting out on my deck, or gazing up at a harvest moon as I am walking into the house at night. These are the types of things that I think about after I have finished saying my prayers and I am slowly drifting off to sleep.

It is in the simplest moments that I feel God's love for me the most. Sometimes I do not catch it because I am too busy thinking about other details of my life. When I do take a moment and think about how lucky I am to have the life I have been blessed to have, I am in utter awe of God. I am so grateful for everything He has done for me and everything He has given to me. I am just one person in a crazy world and to know God loves me that much is something that still can make me stop and wonder why? He knows why, and I guess that is all that really matters after all.

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