Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday The 13th....

Today is most definitely Friday the 13th... It is a day some people fear. In fact the fear of Friday the 13th is known as paraskevidekatriaphobics. There are many different thoughts about why Friday the 13th is supposedly filled with bad luck.

Apparently the sixth day of the week and the number 13 have bad reputations that come back from ancient days. There are some people who think the bad luck comes straight from the Garden of Eden. Supposedly it was on Friday when Eve tempted Adam to eat the forbidden fruit and they had to leave paradise.

It has been proposed, for example, that fears surrounding the number 13 are as ancient as the act of counting. Primitive man had only his 10 fingers and two feet to represent units, this explanation goes, so he could count no higher than 12. What lay beyond that — 13 — was an impenetrable mystery to our prehistoric forebears, hence an object of superstition.

There is also an interesting story as to how there were thirteen people during the Last Supper, and then Judas left to betray Jesus. There is also the fact that Jesus did die on the cross on a Friday.

Despite all this bad luck surrounding Friday, I still have to admit it happens to be my favorite day of the week. Especially if it also happens to be my payday. So far nothing bad has happened to me just yet. I guess I should keep my fingers crossed and pray nothing does.

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