Sunday, August 22, 2010

School's In Session...

It is finally that time of year when school begins. It makes me think back to my homeschooling days. The excitement of receiving our school books in the mail... Wondering what color rosary Seton decided to randomly send us... school supplies. I always enjoyed the first week of school the most. Everything always seemed new and doable. Nothing seemed too terrifying. I remember how the homeschool study program my family used always reminded us to put J.M.J. at the top of our papers for Jesus, Mary, Joseph pray for us. It seemed silly at the time, but thinking back on it I like that they made it such a habit. It reminded me to always pray for guidance and to focus on my work. It was automatic after the first few days. School was very difficult, not going to lie about that. My junior year of high school was the hardest year of my life. I never thought it would end. It did, eventually, with a lot of prayers and hard work.

I am still very much that way during the first week of classes. Granted, they are the easiest ones of the year when basically you sit and go through each of the rules, regulations, assignments, due dates, all that fun stuff. Actually sitting here thinking about it, it is the most boring week of classes too. There are some things I do not do anymore, such as putting J.M.J. at the top of my papers. That does not mean I do not think about it in my head as I am doing my work because I do all the time. I may not be "home schooled" any longer, but it is still there, and always will be, a part of what helped me become who I am.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Thank you, Teresa...if I could only tell you what that means to me in words, but I can't. All I can tell you is that it was a joy to teach my children, esp. when they were little and you were a wonderful student and you took care to be so responsible when you got older. I know it was difficult, but you mastered it pretty well and we could not be more proud of you...I know that the others maybe didn't like it as well..maybe some of it and I know you too had your days that you would have preferred some other ways..I would have to in my years of school. There are drawbacks to everything, but ..well, I guess I'll say no more, but you made my day and I needed a lift and to know that something of what I did, mattered to someone. Love, Mom