Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The "ABC's" of Me

Some of my favorite things... I made this list up today during nap time. For the first time I had no homework to worry about or other tasks that needed to be done for my job... needless to say I got a little bored trying to stay awake, so I started thinking about my very favorite things that always make me smile so here it is....

Adventures, amusement parks
Books, birthday parties
Children, cuddling, chocolate
Dancing, daydreaming, dressing up for fun, daisies, driving, doodling
Faith, friends, family, fireworks
God, girls nights
Hugs, hiking
Inside jokes, ice cream
Laughing, lightning bugs, love letters
Music, magic tricks
Naps on a lazy Summer afternoon
Opening presents on Christmas morning
Playing in the rain
Quiet time with Jesus during adoration
Retreats, reflecting, rainbows
Smiling, Summer nights, singing, stargazing, snuggling, surprises from friends
Telling secrets,
Understanding new concepts
Writing, warm towels right out of the dryer, warm fuzzies, water slides
X-amining my surroundings
Yelling "I Love You"
Zippy waiting lines for amusement rides

1 comment:

Kevin said...

I like this!