Friday, January 1, 2010

My Resolutions for 2010

"We spend January first walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives, not looking for flaws, but for potential."
~Ellan Goodman~

That is the perspective I kind of took this year when thinking up my own new years resolution... I thought long and hard about what I can do to help me be, in the words of Matthew Kelley, the "best version of myself." So thinking about that quote I decided on a few things and areas of improvement for me....

1.)I happen to be a procrastinator, especially when it comes to my schoolwork. To help fix that I am going to not leave my homework to the very last minute. I am going to have it all worked out at least two days before it is due so all I will have to do before I leave for class is print it out. Doing this will hopefully help me be a little less stressed out when it comes to getting everything done.

2.) I am going to sign myself up for a specific hour of adoration on first Friday at my parish. I do go to adoration, but I feel that signing myself up for an hour will make myself even more accountable with that hour, plus when I make a plan like that I always stick to it. I do not know why I have not done that before, but I will do it a.s.a.p.

3.) I plan to work-out for thirty minutes a day. Now I will not always be able to block out a whole thirty minute period, but I will be able to do maybe 15 min. of something in the morning before I go to work and the other 15 min. when I get home at night.

4.) I am going to try and work harder on my relationship with my younger brother this year. I love him dearly, but our relationship is not always that great. I put him down a lot, and even though he makes choices I think are really stupid, I have to keep in mind he is only fifteen. At fifteen I remember thinking the world revolved around me too, so I need to cut him some slack in that area.

5.) I need to pray the rosary everyday. I do great with that for a long period of time, and then something happens and I forget about it for awhile. I need to pray it, and the best time I will be able to do so is during nap time and break at work everyday.

Ok so those are my resolutions, and I am determined to keep them. I am thinking the main one I will have to struggle with is the whole homework one, but I will work the hardest on that one.

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