Thursday, June 10, 2010

Teaching Can Have The Greatest Rewards

This week has been a very busy one for the ccd kids at my parish. It is a full-week long class session. They come in at nine in the morning and stay until three in the afternoon. I have been a part of this whole set-up since I was about fifteen or so. Every year I look forward to this week. It is a week full of learning, bonding, fun, and praying. Sadly, this year, I was not able to help out. It has been kind of hard working in the same building as the kids in the c.c.d. program.

Today I went and visited the kids I taught from last year. I was so excited to go in and say hi to them for a few minutes on my lunch break. It was so nice to see how excited they were when the recognized who I was. They had no clue I was coming in and it was a nice surprise for them. Seeing how happy they were to have me visit helped me realize how I must have made a pretty good impact on them last year, and as a teacher, that is one of the best feelings in the world. Knowing I helped something in their minds click is pretty awesome. I cannot wait to see what is in store with these kids. They are a great group and I can tell there will be some pretty great things which they will help bring to the next generation.


Suzanne said...

Indeed they are a good group of nice, interested, and respectful kids! I enjoyed this week with them and I feel like you do blessed to have been a part of their lives and to share Faith with them.
I think it was sweet all the hugs you got!

Teresa said...

I know, right?!?!? They totally loved me. :) lol
