Monday, July 27, 2009

Life is a roller coaster ride

If you read the post below, you will know all about my recent roller coaster adventure. Thinking about that roller coaster ride though really did make me realize more about how life is moving like that ride... with only one way to go and no going back to the place you left... I mean even after you get off that roller coaster you are not the same as when you left it... You can't really take back whatever actions you may make, and it's too late to fix some mistakes you did and so you just have to keep going. Life is full of intense moments of free-falling, twisting, turning, spinning upside down, and it never lets up. You have to find a way to hold on tight and hope that you have prepared yourself for whatever comes around the next turn. Life is a breathtaking and scary ride.
Right at this moment in time, I feel like I am at the top of an incredibly tall drop and the ride stops, and you can't decided which is worse... anticipating that drop, because you know it's gonna happen no matter what, or when you end up actually dropping... I personally think that the anticipating is the worst, because once you've actually gone through the drop you anticipated you can then decide if you made it out to be worse than you thought it would be or if you were right on. So here's to the free-fall that I know will be happening to me very soon.....

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