Sunday, March 15, 2009

Feeling a Little Adventurous Today

Today was one of those days when I feel as though I am ready to take on the world. The weather was gorgeous, and nothing really has slowed me down other than the fact that I haven't been able to breath to well because of my allergies. Anyway I went to 10:00 a.m. mass this morning with my whole family, which rarely ever happens. We tend to kind of go our own ways on Sundays with our different schedule's and all that. It was nice to sit together with the whole family at mass, along with my little sister's boyfriend who came with us too.
After mass we headed up to Indy to hang out with close family friends at a fundraiser for their school. It was nice to relax with them because they are like a second family to me. I haven't seen them in so long so it made it even more fun to be with them today. While there we ate delicious Italian food and looked around at the gorgeous Catholic church there. It was so pretty. If I had any pictures of it, I would post them here, but I don't.
Later when we came home, my little sister and some friends decided to go to a local state park, McCormick's Creek, where we hiked to the wolf cave. It is always fun to me to randomly go on hiking adventure's with friends. You never really know what will happen on them... We hiked for about 45 minutes I believe and I felt very energized afterwards. Nothing ends a fun adventure of hiking then a vanilla ice cream cone dipped in chocolate from our local ice cream shop, The Chocolate Moose. Yummy! It's always nice to have fun relaxing days like these where you don't worry about a thing or plan at all, you just kind of go with the flow. It was a great ending to a fun week-end!

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

This is the way a Sunday should always be...give to God your first part, family meal, and healthy relaxation with them or friends..a then just to end it with more relaxation if at all possible.
Great day! :)