Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Goals and Aspirations

I have recently been reading a book called "The Rhythm of Life" by Matthew Kelly. It is a very interesting book and it's all about how to live your day to day life with passion and purpose. Towards the beginning of the book, Matthew Kelly gives you and exercise to do. The exercise is to write down your goals and aspirations that you want to see completed in your life before you leave this world. These things can be as silly or as serious as you want them to be. You can go back and add to this list at anytime you want... the point of it is when you look back on it in a year or six months or however long you wait, you will see how much you've changed and how much you may still want those dreams or if you've completed some of them. So here's some of my list that I've filled out that I want to do, in no particular order whatsoever....

1.) Finish my Early Childhood Education degree.
2.) Become even more assertive in my job then what I already am now.
3.) Meet and be truly in love with my future husband.
4.) Have a good family life with my future husband and children.
5.) Work on becoming an even healthier and happier person.
6.) I want to be able to stay at home with my children until they are school-aged if that is possible.
7.) Always strive for a better relationship with God.
8.) I want to try and learn something new and different each year, whether that is a
new language or a different kind of hobby, or ballroom dancing...things like that.
9.) I want to "master" (lol) the "Mass parts" of the Mass on the piano.
10.) I want to be able write an awesome song that people will love.
11.) I want to volunteer as much as I can with C.O.T.A. as I grow older.
12.) I want to travel with my future husband.
13.) I want to visit Hawaii at least once in my life.
14.) I want to be able to buy and own my own house.
15.) I want to be the person who when people talk about, there's always something nice said.
16.) I want to strive to be that kind of person that people will "see" Christ through my
17.) I would love to be able to work with the youth in youth ministry in some way.
18.) I want to strive to be happy in the present moment.
19.) I want to visit Rome at least once in my life.

As I said before I am sure I will be adding on to this list for awhile, but this will do for right now...


Suzanne said...

I love this! I hope you are able to fulfill that the things that are calling your heart the most at this time and yes..keep building it..so much to do! :)

Unknown said...

Do you know what they say about plans?

If you want to make God laugh, make plans.

Seriously, you have really put some thought into your future, which is great, now let Go and let God.