Friday, March 20, 2009

Goodbye Nina!

This past week we have had a lovely visitor stay in our home. She is a two year old golden retriever, and one of the sweetest dogs I've ever met. My dad was going to get us a lab this past Valentine's Day as a surprise for my mom, but then the family that was going to give us a dog never really got back to us... I love big dogs, and have always wanted one, but after this past week I've realized just how much work they take. Anyway, the past few nights sometime in the middle of the night, this gigantic dog has taken a liking to jumping on top of me and taking over my bed. I've tried pushing her off several times, but she always goes and jumps back on until I finally let her win and move onto the couch in my living room. Then after a few hours she follows me in there and sleeps on my feet. Because of this and my allergies, I have not been able to sleep very well at all, and as much as I like Nina, I am ready to have my own bed back without the dog. I can now see why my mom and dad were both hesitant about us owning a dog while growing up. We were much better cat people I suppose.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Thank you for clarifying this about me not wanting a dog ..just to be mean. Nina has alot of long may be that you would not be bothered by all dogs, so don't give up. If you are meant to have one, maybe you still can.