Sunday, April 19, 2009


I have recently finished a very moving book called, "Escape." It is a heart-wrenching tale of Carolyn Jessop, a woman who had to escape with her family from the F.L.D.S. Church. The F.L.D.S. is one of the most secretive religious groups in the U.S. It seems so unreal how they live their day to day lives. Her story gives you a peek into the polygamous group, and the things she had to go through seems so strange that it feels like a fiction story, rather than a true story, but the fact of the matter is that it is a true story. After reading this book, I felt even more thankful to be born into the family that I was, and not into one of the families in that group. The way it is written captivates you and holds your attention. I know that there were times I was so frustrated with the people in the story that I wanted to throw the book across the room, but then five minutes later I had to go back and pick it up, because I had to know what happened. It is definitely a book you want to read!

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