Monday, April 20, 2009

A Rainbow in the Sky

It's a good thing that when God created the rainbow he didn't consult a decorator or he would still be picking colors.
~San Levenson~

"The work will wait while you show the child the rainbow, but the rainbow won't wait while you do the work."

"May God give you... For every storm a rainbow, for every tear a smile, for every care a promise and a blessing in each trial. For every problem life sends, a faithful friend to share, for every sigh a sweet song and an answer for each prayer."
~Irish Blessings Quotes~

The children in my class have most recently been obsessed with rainbows. There are a few rainbow story books we have in the classroom, and I swear, in the past few weeks I have read those books so many times, I have them memorized. They love looking at pictures of them and drawing them and singing about them.
Today at work about ten minutes before the daycare officially closed one of the parents came in to pick up her child. We were in the middle of cleaning the room and getting it ready for tomorrow, when the mother told us about a rainbow that was outside and how she wanted her daughter to quickly get her things so she could take her out to see it. Now, normally buy 5:20 p.m., us teachers are very ready to get things cleaned up so we can leave as soon as every child has been picked up, and we rarely ever stop cleaning when we are in the middle of it. However, today, when we heard there was a rainbow outside, both my teacher aid and I immediately stopped what we were doing and took the few kids that were left outside to look at the rainbow. Doing that did put us behind schedule, so I did end up staying after closing to finish up the cleaning, but I would not have taken back that choice at all. Watching those kids faces as they were looking at a real rainbow, rather than just pictures of them, was priceless. I was so glad to get them outside to look at it!


Suzanne said...

Beautiful story, Teresa! God is so good! He connected all that ya know..that and the fact it was a complete rainbow, you said last night! Wow! I didn't know you had been reading to them about the rainbows so much. :)
I love the Irish prayer, btw..I love it! Thanks!

Teresa said...

Yeah, they really have been obsessed with rainbows for awhile now, and that is why it was even more exciting for us teachers to watch their faces as they were looking at a real one.

Unknown said...

did you read my post about that rainbow? It was a real aha moment for me.