Monday, April 27, 2009

Memorable Quotes from Bishop Fulton Sheen

My mom passed on a book to me a few months ago called "The Quotable Fulton Sheen." I finally opened it up today and have already found some really good quotes in it. Here are a few that I picked out already.

"Beauty without virtue is like a fair flower that has an offensive odor. But true beauty bathes in that light without which nothing is beautiful. beauty is a gift of God, like the rain. He allows the rain to fall upon the just and the wicked, and He gives beauty not only to the good, but even to the wicked. Wicked beauty strikes the eye, but the inner beauty of grace wins the soul."

"It has always struck me as strange that we should pardon a wife, on the grounds of 'temporary insanity,' for limiting her married life by shooting her husband, and at the same time glorify the same wife as a 'progressive free-born woman' because she limits her family by stifling an unborn life. All of which goes to prove that we do not need new laws but expansion of the definitions of old ones, and particularly of the law of murder."

"I wonder if it is not true that as the world loses veneration for Christ's mother, it loses also it's adoration of Christ."

"Books are the most wonderful friends in the world. When you meet them and pick them up, they are always ready to give you a few ideas. When you put them down, they never get mad; when you take them up again, they seem to enrich you all the more."

"The very fact that the world is a thousand times more scandalized at a bad Catholic in public life than a bad anything else, is only a proof that the world expected much more of him."

"A man's real good is that which he works most earnestly to preserve, and which saddens him most when he loses it."

I can't wait to look even more through the book to find more quotes. Very interesting ones, indeed.

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