Friday, May 22, 2009

A Tale of Pearl Ear Rings

Tonight I was blessed to be able to talk to a very old and dear friend. I have known this person since I was twelve, and she is now up in Rhode Island. As we talked I asked her how her visit with her family was. She told me about how the very first thing she did after she got off the plane was spend three hours with her father as he was looking for a present for his wife (her mom) for their 25th wedding anniversary. She told me that what he wanted to by his wife for this special occasion was special pearl ear rings that matched the pearl necklace he bought her for their wedding. They spent so much time in the car going from one jewelry shop to another searching for the perfect ear rings. Now this man has always been known for always hating spending extra cash on anything. He would get annoyed when people bought snacks from the store because it was a waste of money. Don't get me wrong, he has his reasons for that because he does have a family of eleven to look after, but the fact that he was willing to spend as much as necessary for the best ear rings really said something. My friend said it was so much fun spending time with her dad and watching him trying to decide on the right ones. Once they were finally home, she told me how annoyed her mom was that they were gone for so long, little did she know why they were gone. I am sure they were forgiven after she saw those ear rings... Hearing that story and knowing how much that couple loves one another even after all that they've been through makes me realize how much I want that. I am also blessed to be able to have two parents who are still very much in love too.
I know that marriage is definitly a hard thing to go through, it will not always be easy and "lovey-dovey" all the time, but even knowing that I still want it so bad. I want to be able to marry someone and have a family with him and deal with the mundane daily life and I want to fight over whose turn it is to take the trash out and help our kids with the homework. I want to end up like one of those old couples you see sitting on benches who just stare while in complete silence because they have been together for so long that they do not need to always talk about everything; they are just perfectly content to "be," together. I know it may sound silly to some, but to me it seems pretty great.


Suzanne said...

Beautiful post! If it is the will of the Father and you working together, then perhaps what you desire most in your heart will be. Let me tell you though...I'm interested in how many more arguments over the garbage do you want to hear at this place? Haven't there been enough?? ;)

Unknown said...

The joy is being able to make the every day stuff part of the loving. Mrangelmeg does the dishes as his way of showing his love for me.

I love him for doing this for me, it is such a simple thing, but to me it is such a simple gift but it is filled with love.

Ben said...

Seems pretty great to me as well :) Best of luck to both of us. I don't know what marriage is going to be like, I just know it can be something truly great.