Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Catholicism and discrimination

Every Wed. evening I enjoy going to one of the local Catholic churches here in my hometown, where a group of us college students and one of the priests, Fr. Stan come together for Holy Hour and then a drop-in. Tonight our holy hour focused on the reading of the mass today. After we reflected on them, we began to get into a really deep conversation about how we as Catholics tend to get discriminated in our daily lives. Whether it's because of the political views we tend to hold or the beliefs we have in our faith. I know I tend to get made fun of at work for being the "conservative" Catholic. Although I am not the only Catholic that works at my daycare, I am one that does try follow the laws of the church.
After quite a few of us shared our stories of how we have been through being made fun of for being Catholic we asked the priest, Fr. Stan, how he thought we should handle ourselves when we come face to face with it. He said that the best way to handle a situation is to not show our anger. He says that is usually the sign that people want to see the most. Instead he said we should try to show them respect and if we say anything it should be something like "Well, I'm sorry you feel that way," and maybe try to look a little sad if possible. I think that is some very good advice that we should all try and remember.


Mike Keucher said...


I just saw you edited your profile on facebook and I discovered your blog. Yay!

I have thought about this topic myself. As someone once said, if you don't irritate and annoy people on account of proclaiming our faith (in word and deed), you're not doing this Catholic thing right.

I find that people love to "make fun" of me for the faith, but I don't think anything of it anymore. I take it as a compliment, for then I know that they see in me someone who takes the faith seriously enough that he doesn't care what others think of him.

For instance, I love wearing my Ave Maria shirt all over the liberal campus of IU.

I think that, as usual, Fr. Stan is right on!

Also, I think it is a shame that there aren't more "conservative Catholics" in our daycare and school who, like you, are true to the teachings of Holy Mother Church!!



Teresa said...

Mike: Why am I not surprised you would be the one to find this blog first??? You really should come on Wed. nights though! It starts at 8:00 p.m. You're welcome anytime! :)

Suzanne said...

Father Stan is so kind and good. You all are so blessed to have priests that interact with you like ever ever so grateful and always remember them in your prayers..its the least you can give in return! :) PS I'm sure you do though if I know you!

Unknown said...

Remember Teresa, evil flourishes when people of good will do nothing.

The worst thing you can do is go along to get along.

You have to be who you are 24/7 or you wouldn't be you. If that makes people mad then they are the ones who have the problem, not you.

Never apologize for what you believe. When someone confronts you just take it. Remember Jesus standing before the Sanhedrin in silence as they were condemning him. If he could take it we can.