Thursday, September 3, 2009

An evening with the family

Today was an average day for me... not much to talk about really. I went to work, class, and am now finally home where I can relax. My nephews are here spending the night partially because it is my mom's birthday today, and partially because my sister really needed someone to watch them and help make sure they get to school on time tomorrow morning. My dad and oldest nephew are on the living room couch. My nephew has his head propped up on my dad's lap while watching the movie, "The Passion," by my nephew's choice. That is one movie I am surprised that he wanted to really watch tonight. It's an emotionally hard one to watch, and yet he willingly asked my dad to put it on for him. He is more serious in general than the other two nephews, and movies like that tend to be his favorite.
My other two nephews are now in another room trying to fall asleep. My mom, sister, and her boyfriend are in the kitchen carrying on what is now considered a "normal" conversation held in this home about how my younger sister is full of messy habits which embarrasses my mother immensely.... which as a side note is very true, my little sister is not really a "neat freak" by any means. I at one time was like that, but now I enjoy going into a clean room because it feels as though it is easier to breath in a clean room, rather than a cluttered one.
There is something about my household where everything is familiar to me, and I know what to expect. I know when I walk in the house most likely another person will be sitting right where I am at this moment typing away on facebook or some other popular website. I know that our little black and white dog will immediately run to the top of the stairs and fall onto her back waiting patiently for a belly rub as soon as she hears the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs. I know that right around nine p.m. my father will turn the television on Fox news to watch and learn about whatever the president is planning to do next, and the television will usually stay on that channel for the majority of the evening. I also know that at about the same time my dad goes to turn on the t.v. my little brother disappears into his bedroom with the phone in hand where he will then proceed to talk to his girlfriend for the rest of the night. Crista and Thomas (her boyfriend, who has by now, pretty much become another member of this family) will usually be sitting in the living room bickering in a lighthearted manner over the silliest things, until Thomas leaves around 9:30 p.m., after which Crista then disappears downstairs where she is neither seen nor heard from again until the next morning. I have come to expect a good head pat from Thomas before he goes, which can be quite annoying, especially when it messes up a good hairstyle, but that's his signature move for good-byes.... I no longer flinch and get surprised from it anymore. I know that while I am sitting on here typing away that my mom is sitting in a chair secretly wishing I would type faster so she can have a turn on the computer, and I know this because as soon as I am done she is very quick to come and sit in the computer chair.
This is my life. Fairly predictable, and that is the reason why I both love my family, but also why I am very excited for the time to go off on my own as soon as I am done with my degree. I don't mind predictability too often, but I can't wait to make my own routine away from my family and do different things than what I am used to.


Teresa said...

Its a bit exciting to plan for one's own little place away from home..I so remember that and I don't blame is a part of growing up and all that...harder for the mom than the child. When you move on a few of our habits will change to..isn't it funny? In the meantime, I will enjoy you until ...whenever the time is right. Love you!

Suzanne said...

Uh..oh there I go again!!! So predictable lately! Ha! Ha! ;)

Mike Keucher said...

You could write a book! Part of this blog post really did read like a classic book!!

There's such greatness in the ordinariness of life.

Teresa said...

Awww....Thanks, Mike! The funny thing with writing is when you are not trying to write something good, that tends to be when you write the best. Last night, I was not really trying, I was just typing...