Sunday, September 13, 2009

What Happens When I Let My Mind Go....

Have you ever wondered if there was life somewhere else in the universe other then just here on Earth? This is something I have contemplated about every now and then, mostly when I am stargazing. It is hard for me to really think that we are the only ones out there. I mean our galaxy is just a tiny little speck compared to the rest of the universe, and we are just a little particle of that speck. It seems to me that if God got bored once when he made our galaxy, whose to say he did not get bored at other times and created other galaxies.... I am not saying he made another world with humans.... He's God after all. He can make whatever kind of life He wants. There is so much space in the universe He easily could place these different galaxies far enough away that we would never know they all existed. Also, if God does not want us to know about each other, then maybe He really will allow us to only learn about a certain amount of our universe. Maybe we will never get too much farther technologically to learn much more about our own galaxy because God does not want us to cross that invisible boundary line.....Maybe He meant for things like the different planets to always remain mysterious and like miracles to us. Maybe I am totally off the mark, but I cannot help but feel extremely alone thinking that we are the ONLY life forms in the universe.
I was talking to a good friend of mine over the phone yesterday when she told me she was writing her thesis paper on prayer (she is a consecrated in the Regnum Christi movement). She told me that she had a hard time choosing between a thesis on prayer or the possibilty of other life forms in the universe. I thought she was joking at first, because when I talk about what I wrote above to other people, they tend to laugh at me, but it turned out she was being serious. I got excited that I finally found someone who thought there were other living creatures out there too. We went on to talk about this topic for a good fifteen minutes or so.
I am sure some people will read this and think I have gone crazy for thinking it, but I just can't help but wonder. I have decided that if I ever do make it to heaven that is one question I want to ask God about.... I am pretty sure He's the only one who will be able to give me the right one.


Mike Keucher said...

Teresa, you have gone crazy.


It's possible, sure. It's always fun to listen to AM radio late at night and listen to people's stories of their "encounters" with aliens and such. haha.

Personally, I don't know but lean towards no.

Teresa said...

Mike: It is possible that I have lost it since classes have started.... but my mom seems to agree with you.

Suzanne said...

No...I don't know, put words in my mouth. I really don't know and if that is what God wanted to do, then that is fine with me. :)

Oh,btw,can an older woman join your Catholic Dork club? Remember on our Mississippi trip how Father Don directed us to be sure to find the Catholic Church with the all blue stain glass windows and how if we could get inside it would be sorta "freaky" because everything has a huge blue hue to it because of that.
Remember, (although it wasn't a Catholic Church), the one he told us to look for with the steeple that was shaped like a hand and the index finger was pointing up to Heaven?!!! LOL!!!!
Did you ever tell Mike or your Dorky Catholic friends that funny story and how when pulled into the town, we looked up and between tree limbs and leaves, all of a sudden, the finger appeared?!! LOL!
THAT has got to be the funniest
(church) story EVAH!!
Good ol Father Don, you gotta hand it to him on that one...he-he!
What a book he is!
OH! Teresa..there's another book you could write...a Father Don book! Ha! :0! Don't forget to write a chapter on "angles," wouldn't be good without a chapter on angles,
anyway, I'm on a roll. :)