Monday, August 3, 2009

"Blessed Mother"

I was looking through some of my old scrap books yesterday, which I haven't done in I don't know how long... Anyway, as I was looking through them I found a poem that my Grandpa wrote before he died. It is a beautiful poem which I have put below. I also found some notes he wrote to me that I totally forgot about. As I was looking at those things he wrote I became a little sad. I always like to tease my friends when they complain about their grandparents and tell them at least they are lucky to have theirs still living... all of mine have passed away already. I think I miss my Grandpa Mike the most because I remember the most about him. All the others died when I was really young, and so I do not remember them so well. There are things I remember about him, like how he would always give us chocolate when we would bring him his mail everyday, or how he LOVED fishing so much... he would go fishing all the time and he cooked the best fish frys ever... he called me his "little piano girl" and would brag about me to his friends when they would come over. There are so many other memories that came almost immediately to me as I was looking at his stuff, and I hope that I have made him proud to be called my grandpa... Anyway, one of his favorite things to do was write poetry. He even had a book published with his work along with other family members poems in it. Here is one of his favorites;

Blessed Mother

May you keep us in your sight
protecting us day and night.
If we are downtrodden and weary,
send us your love to make us cheery.

When we say your rosary we envision
you kneeling at the foot of the Cross,
and it reminds us that you
suffered a great loss.

Ask your blessed Son Jesus to forgive
us for our share in putting Him there.
We want you to know, Blessed Mother,
that we have found Jesus--
no other.

Help us, we pray, to live each day
as we would if we were standing

-Michael Morgan-


Teresa said...

Thank you for printing this and writing about Dad..aka Grandpa.
He must be smilin in Heaven and oh yes, dear, he'd be still so proud of you. He used to tell me that you were a good girl and he were someone I should be pretty proud of! I am!
Also, I envy you..I never had a Grandpa to know at all..they all passed before I was even born. I had a older cousin..much older man and I kind of took him as my Grandpa, but I really didn't get much one on one time or anything and only saw him about twice a year but he gave the most warm welcomes and hugs ever! :)

Beautiful tribute and prayer to BVM too! :)

Suzanne said...

Sorry..that IS MY comment above again..grr..this is getting frustrating. I am so not used to this and I wish it was like it was not too long ago.