Saturday, August 29, 2009

Reminiscing in the Rain

I love it when there is a rainy day every now and then. I am not talking about stormy tornado rainy weather, I mean the gentle kind of drizzling. The kind where there is no danger from lightning, and the rain taps on your window as you are laying in your bed with no where to go. It is peaceful and relaxing to be in my bedroom in my bed with the pillows propped up and the blanket around me while reading a good book and the only sound in the back round is the splatter of those raindrops on the rooftop, and the window is open so I can smell the scent of the rain. I feel like I am in another place sometimes during the mornings I can get away with not having to be somewhere when it rains like that.
Yesterday it rained with an almost endless drizzle here, and even though I did not get to lay in bed and listen to the rain like I so wanted to do, I did get to do another favorite rain activity of mine. After work, my sister and her boyfriend and I enjoyed running around and playing in the rain. We got drenched, but there is something revitalizing and rejuvenating about playing in the rain. When I play in the rain I forget about worrying how I will look afterwords. I don't care how messy my hair gets or if mascara happens to be running down my face, or the fact that I am soaked from head to foot, or how long it will take before I will be able to wear my sneakers again because of how incredibly wet they end up being.
I get to let the five year old in me go out and let loose during that time. I remember how much fun it is to splash around in puddles and get a little muddy from tripping in the wet grass. I remember how it was like when I did not care how other people thought about me and what I looked like. I remember how easy it really was to be just me, and not try to be what everyone thought I should be. I remember how making friends and bonding with them was through simple acts as sharing coloring crayons or playing games of "pretend" where I could imagine anything I wanted too. A time where everything I ever wanted to do could and would happen. Life was still full of endless possibilities and I believed it was possible to be a mother, a doctor, teacher, a famous singer and actress all at the same time. Failure did not really cross my mind. It brings me back to a time when life was much simpler and the world was a safe place where bad things only happened in the movies.... There is a quote I recently read, "I wish I were five again. Broken crayons were easier to mend then broken hearts."
Sometimes I do wish I were five, but since I can't go back to that age, I will still always try to hold on to that five year old girl and always keep a part of her with me as I get older.


Mike Keucher said...

I too many times wish I could go back to those days of childhood. Something magical about even the ordinary things. That's what I miss most, but as Jesus says, we have the heart of a child.


Suzanne said... are "sumpin else," and I say...stay that way! :O!!! You won't regret it..and I got news for you...people have always loved that part of you far more than if you are thinking you have to conform this way or that..I don't mean..act ridiculous, but don't ever let the child heart go! :)