Sunday, September 20, 2009

A nice break from my monotonous schedule....

I have just finished up studying for the night and thought I would do one more quick blog before I head off to bed.

Today was the most fun I have had in a few weeks. I started it off with going to ten a.m. Mass this morning. That is always the best way to start off any day. After which I helped facilitate the first Confirmation class. A good friend of mine happened to be the speaker for this class. He spoke about the Bible. I think it was done very well, and with the way the set-up was with the kids I think they all paid closer attention then they would have, which I think helped in his favor. None of my group had anything bad to say about his talk. They all rather enjoyed it. We all made a commitment that we would open up and read our Bible's everyday and then at the next meeting talk a little bit about what our favorite thing was we came upon. The kids were the ones that decided that idea, not me, which I think is what the speaker was hoping for...

Speaking of my group I am very pleased with it. I was praying to God that I would end up with a group that would talk, and he thankfully answered my prayers. There are about maybe two in my group that did not talk to much, but I think that has to do more with the fact that they were not familiar with anyone else in the group, whereas a lot the kids already knew each other. One girl in particular was really quiet, but we did learn that this was her first ever experience in a "church school" environment.... She has never received her first communion or first confession. She is too young to be placed into our R.C.I.A. group, but also too old to be in the R.C.I.C. group, so she is in the Confirmation classes. She is going to receive her first communion and confession sometime this year before Easter, and then next year she will be Confirmed. It kind of made me excited to hear about that. I just hope that being in our group will be a positive experience for her. It was kind of funny with my group when we all introduced ourselves. I found out that four of the six kids already knew of me. I work at the school's daycare, and they would see me carrying the dishes from the daycare end of the building to the kitchen... they all looked at me and said "Hey, your the dish girl." It amused me...

I am really looking forward to getting to know these kids as they grow in their faith and hopefully end up choosing to be Confirmed because they want to be, not just because their parents are "forcing" them too.

Another nice thing I noticed this year was all the high schoolers who came back after being Confirmed to help out with the classes. I think there were about six or seven of them, which is quite a few more then the three we had helping us last year. It was nice to see.

Now I am off to bed.....


Mike Keucher said...

This makes my day!! I am always worried about how I come off in situations like these. I had so much to say and had to leave some of it out because of the time. But I just wanted to impress a few good points that I really wanted to take root in the kids. I left wondering if that would happen...if anyone left there changed at all. Your post has confirmed in me that something DID hit home with at least some of them, and that's all I wanted! THANKS FOR SHARING THIS!

Also, I am so glad you like your group. We were really blessed last year, and the first year I did it I had a much larger group at first. Looks like the size of yours is perfect, and looks like you've got a good mix.

I hope you remembered: No Bible, No bed! haha

God Bless you Teresa!


Mike Keucher said...

"Dish girl". That kills me. HAHAAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Teresa said...

I know right? That seems to be the nickname I've come by working at St. Charles... not much of a surprise since that is what most of the kids see me do when I go down the hall with all those dishes to wash...

Suzanne said...

Patron Saint of Dishwashers! :)
Hey!! I only hope I'm a Patron Saint of anything ...even something simple. :)
Glad your group turned out well and I was looking over Mike's paper and he inspired me to read more or in a way how to kind of go about it better.
I hope Shane will read more too.
Love and thank you for what you are doing for and with these young people..I pray for you as I ask you to pray for me. Love, Mom