Sunday, November 15, 2009

Abraham and Isaac..... God and Jesus

Tonight at Bible study we focused on a lot of Exodus.... we also talked about Abraham and Isaac...
I happened to be the one reading the story of Abraham's sacrifice. After I read it some people mentioned how hard it must of been for Abraham to have to sacrifice his son whom he had been waiting for for such a long time.... while they said this I had a though... I looked at them and told them that really God wasn't asking Abraham something He wasn't going to do Himself... after all God did in fact sacrifice His only son for us. They looked at me as though a light bulb went on in their heads. After I said that we re-read that story again and realized that just like Jesus, Abraham had Isaac carry his own wood that he'd be sacrificed on... and just like Jesus, Isaac trusted Abraham and did not question him once. So really this relationship between Abraham and Isaac kind of symbolizes God's own relationship with His Son. I never looked at that story in that way before. It just was very interesting. Oh the things I learn at Bible study....

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

This was just sooo interesting to learn about! :)