Friday, November 6, 2009

Simple ways to fast.

I borrowed this from a friend today... I hope she doesn't mind. :)

Fast from judging others; discover that Christ lives in them.
Fast from hurtful words; let your mouth overflow with words of healing.
Fast from discontentment; be full of gratitude!
Fast from anger; fill yourself with patience.
Fast from pessimism; fill yourself with Christian hope.
Fast from worries; fill yourself with trust in God alone.
Fast from complaining; be full of appreciation for this marvelous life.
Fast from the pressures that just never seem to stop; instead, fill yourself with a prayer that doesn't end.
Fast from bitterness; fill yourself with forgiveness.
Fast from thinking of only yourself; be full of compassion for everyone else.
Fast from anxiety over things; commit yourself to the spreading of God's kingdom here on earth.
Fast from discouragement; fill yourself with enthusiasm of the Faith.
Fast from mundane thoughts; be full of the truths based in holiness.
Fast from all that separates you from Jesus; be full of anything that will make you closer to Him!