Sunday, November 15, 2009

Too much emphasis on titles......

I mentioned before in a post how I believe that God always brings the people he wants to a retreat for a reason. Well it wasn't until today that I got a part of the reason I was meant to be there. You see I have been having a hard time struggling with not knowing about what will happen with my future next year... if I will be where I am now or if I will have to go and find another place to work... there have been some other things I have been frustrated over and not really totally understanding about why God let certain things play-out the way they did. Anyway in the very last talk I finally got something I needed to get.

The man who gave this particular talk spoke about how he dealt with being let-go from his own job. Apparently he was working at this company and truly thought his job was secure and safe from being lost. Well one day he went into work like normal when his boss came to him and told him that he needed to talk to him and to come into the conference room. He went in and was then told he was being let-go do to cuts they had to make because of money issues. They gave him a severance package, but took back his cell phone and lap top. He felt as though they pretty much stripped him of what he worked for and he didn't know what he was going to do... he spent the next few months not only looking for a job, but he ended up also volunteering for other charities. Through that process he did a lot of soul searching. He eventually did find another job.

I think that hearing his story made me realize that we put a lot of emphasis on giving ourselves titles.... "I'm a lawyer" or "I am an engineer," or"I'm a teacher." Sometimes I think we lose who we are when we do that so when we all of a sudden lose our jobs for whatever reason we no longer know who we are. When really being a teacher or lawyer or engineer isn't the only thing we's not really the most important part of who we are either. What's really important is how we try to live our day to day lives... trying to share Christ with others by the way we act... not just a job title. After hearing his talk and his story I realized that yes, I may lose my position, but it's not going to change the heart of who I am. I will work until I find another job, and I will be ok. It's just the unknown of what will happen is what is so terrifying, but I know that it only means God has another job for me to do. He's got my back... Now I feel so much more relaxed and relieved about the future....


Suzanne said...

No one could have comforted you as well as God could this weekend. I know that now. We can all say this or that and things probably will work out, but there are also times when we just need to know what Our Father is going to say to us or put into our hearts. I am very thankful that God helped ease your concerns in a way that many of us could not seem to do..that's okay..after all..he is your Father..just like he is ours and sometimes Fathers and daughters and sons..just need to have a real heart to heart. :)

Mike Keucher said...

Isn't it great how God works? The only title that really matters is "child of God." Almighty God will take care of us as only the perfect Father can.

So glad you had a nice retreat and heard the things you needed to hear and said the things you needed to say! I'm attempting to read all your posts oh my there are a good number:)